Conscious Conversations is an experiment in reacting differently than you normally do. We are an open community tackling the communication crisis by having HARD conversations and synthesizing deeper states of connection.
Each month we engage in intentional, deep and curated conversations or workshops related to the symptoms our society is experiencing. The conversations we all are longing to have but are unsure of how to begin. The ONLY social discourse we are thirsty for!
We explore how these symptoms interact and how they collide with the story of separation that narrates our society.
Our Intention? Inspiration. Ideation. Implementation. Conversations to spark personal and collective change.
ALL ARE WELCOME. We know we each hold glimpses into each other’s blind spots. We ask all participants to respect the table manners outlined below.

We don’t F*&$ with rules. rules stem from a narrative of control. Instead we source sovereignty from a commitment to reverence. Reverent communication carries the awareness that one is addressing a sacred being. To maintain reverence means noticing habits of polarization and judgement that arise in the presence of opposing information or difficult emotions. The table manners below help guide us into a state of reverence. They are adapted from Charles Eisenstein’s open source principles of communication. Thank you Charles.
Table manners for evolutionary conversations
express anger without diverting it to hate
Hold grief without diverting it to onto despair
to share compassion without diverting it onto pity
to interpret each other's words generously
to let go of being right and seeming smart
to value each person's unique window on the world
to be willing to see each other fully, shadow and light
to be willing to be truly seen ourselves
Community Conversation
This is not your typical, frenetic, converse to be heard, convince or be righteous conversation. it will be deliberate, curated and deep.
We’ll dive into BIG topics without hesitation.
Where you are in your participation in the story of separation, the culture of contempt, where you’re stuck in your citizen activism and how we can synthesize a community where we all can be ourselves, interconnected.
Table Talk
Table talk is a community dinner where we dive even deeper into real-life situations and discuss real life consequences and actions. This 10-12 person dinner is for those that have previously attended a community conversation or communication workshop.
The menu of conversation rotates topics. It’s a place where we chat about all things we’re told to not discuss at the dinner table. Let’s break bread and social barriers.