In this class of the series, we focus on The Middle Dantian. We study the anatomy and body mechanics of the heart, we explore its movement somatically, and we allow its wisdom to express through writing, movement and breath. By exploring our anatomy experientially we connect more deeply with our bodies and lived experience. Get in touch with the energy bound within the middle Dantian through:
study of the anatomy and body mechanics of the heart
Movement to release fascial restrictions of the ribs, diaphragm and chest
meditation and breath techniques to embody this energy center
enjoy an elixir to awaken deep lucidity and euphoria in the mind and body
I offer this series in the spirit of gift. Any payment is purely voluntary. Please note, this offering is not free. Please choose a self-determined fee that feels right to you, that feels clean, fair, and honest, and that respects your financial means. If that amount is zero, I welcome and trust that choice as well. We offer the course as a gift, not free, trusting the generosity of participants to support me, through reciprocity, in developing and sustaining in-depth learning journeys like this one. To explore what it means to live in the spirit of gift watch this
This structure is an immersion into the habits of gift, the perceptions of gift, the awareness of abundance, and the experience of gratitude.
VENMO: @britfinkbeiner